Effects of a misaligned jaw

When your teeth are misaligned, they cannot provide enough muscle support in your face needed for chewing and swallowing. These muscles are then forced into a strained position which translates in discomfort throughout the face, head, arms, shoulders and back. The...
Winter Sports injuries in children

Winter Sports injuries in children

Skiing and snowboarding are popular winter sports, but they can be the cause of many common injuries: contusions, sprains, fractures, head injuries and joint injuries. Studies have shown that children have a higher rate of ski-related lower body fractures than adults,...
Winter Sports injuries in children

Winter safety tips for your kids – winter sports

Winter is here already, and along with it comes many family activities for all to enjoy. But did you know that in 2010 over 400,000 children were treated in the hospital for winter sports-related injuries? While many children love winter, because they get to go...
Could your child have Osgood-Schlatter?

Could your child have Osgood-Schlatter?

Does your child experience knee pain? If you have an active child who is experiencing pain in the knees, it may be a condition called Osgood-Schlatter Disease…but there’s help! What is Osgood-Schlatter? Osgood-Schlatter disease is essentially a painful...
Exercises for seniors to do at home

Exercises for seniors to do at home

Why should I exercise? Research shows that regular exercise can help: Maintain healthy growth Prevent chronic diseases (Cancer, Type 2 Diabetes, Heart disease) Make muscles stronger Increase your energy Decrease stress Prolong independence Prevent falls Manage...