Discover Knee Kinesiography with KneeKG

Identify the right treatment plan for your knee pain

Discover Knee Kinesiography with KneeKG

Identify the right treatment plan for your knee pain

Do you suffer from persistent knee pain? Does the pain force you to limit your activities? If your treatment plan does not provide you with the desired results, your Cappino practitioner may suggest Knee Kinesiography with the KneeKG™ system to help you identify the right treatment plan!


What is Knee Kinesiography with KneeKG?

Knee Kinesiography is a medical exam of the knee performed while walking on a treadmill. The system is attached to the knee in motion, allowing us to evaluate joint function. In the same way an EKG evaluates the heart, this exam goes beyond symptom management to evaluate the state of the knee joint while the knee is in motion. This helps to identify the deficits related to pain and treat the causes of the pain with the right information because:

  • Knee pain generally appears with joint motion and is related to a biomechanical dysfunction.
  • There is little or no correlation between functional joint pain and the static image tests like the X-ray and the MRI


Who is the Knee Kinesiography designed for?

We recommend the knee exam with Knee Kinesiography, which evaluates knee motion in 3D, for patients with impaired knee function due to orthopedic causes:

  • Ligament injuries;
  • Knee osteoarthritis;
  • Sports injuries;
  • Meniscal injuries;
  • Post-surgery pain

Inspirational testimonials!

Bruny Surin, 1996 Olympic gold medalist

Having been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in his knees, Bruny Surin, 1996 Olympic gold medalist, tried Knee Kinesiography with the KneeKG in order to help him stay active. Thanks to his Knee Kinesiography and to the treatment plan based on this collected data, his knee pain went from 10/10 to 0.

Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, guard for the Kansas City Chiefs

After an injury in 2018, Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, guard for the Kansas City Chiefs and medical graduate, felt that his rehabilitation was not quite optimal. He tried Knee Kinesiography with the KneeKG and the treatment plan he received helped him recover completely from his injury. A few weeks after his exam, he noticed a significant improvement, which allowed him to be the same athlete he was prior to the injury and to return to the field with 100% of his capacities. This incident also made him realize the need for change in knee care.

Schedule your consultation today at 514-684-9073 (Dorval) or at 514-453-2597 (Île-Perrot)!

Inspirational testimonials!

Bruny Surin, 1996 Olympic gold medalist

Having been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in his knees, Bruny Surin, 1996 Olympic gold medalist, tried Knee Kinesiography with the KneeKG in order to help him stay active. Thanks to his Knee Kinesiography and to the treatment plan based on this collected data, his knee pain went from 10/10 to 0.

Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, guard for the Kansas City Chiefs

After an injury in 2018, Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, guard for the Kansas City Chiefs and medical graduate, felt that his rehabilitation was not quite optimal. He tried Knee Kinesiography with the KneeKG and the treatment plan he received helped him recover completely from his injury. A few weeks after his exam, he noticed a significant improvement, which allowed him to be the same athlete he was prior to the injury and to return to the field with 100% of his capacities. This incident also made him realize the need for change in knee care.

Schedule your consultation today at 514-684-9073 (Dorval) or 514-453-2597 (Île-Perrot) to get started!