Have you set your nutrition and fitness goals but not sure where to start?
Discover our very new Cappino Nutrition & Fitness program. Whatever your objectives, our team of professionals can deliver a personalized program providing you with the best tools for choosing you daily diet and physical exercise plan. With our program, you are sure of reaching and maintaining your goals. Work with a registered dietitian and certified fitness professional and know you are in good hands.
Plans can include:
- nutrition consultation with meal plan and follow ups with a registered dietitian
- physical assessment and training program with a certified athletic therapist
- up to 24 on-site training sessions
- savings of up to $500!
What’s more, by working with a registered dietitian, your plan may be covered by your private insurance*
Contact us today for more details at 514-684-9073 or to book your appointment
*Plans will vary. Please consult your insurance company to see if they cover your nutritional consultation and meal plan